KKFI Community Advisory Council – Quarterly Meeting
June 4, 2026 @ 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm CDT
An event every 3 months that begins at 5:00 pm on day First of the month, repeating indefinitely
Meetings are at 5pm on the first Thursday of every March, June, September & December.
The Community Advisory Council meets quarterly with these goals in mind.
- Gaining community insight and input into KKFI’s programming through outreach to underserved and underrepresented communities.
- Advise and make recommendations to the Board of Directors on programming and policies to insure they meet the needs of the community.
These meetings are held on Zoom until further notice.
KKFI Host is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: KKFI Community Advisory Council – Quarterly Zoom Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Passcode: 905848
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Meeting ID: 859 1889 3204
Passcode: 905848
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