KKFI Blues Listeners Bid Farewell to Chuck Pisano, Blues Kitchen DJ
Chuck Pisano, long-time Blues DJ for the “Blues Kitchen” show, signed off the air today, September 1, 2012.
Blues is such an integral part of the music programming on KKFI — from the beginning 25 years ago. Without devoted Blues DJs like Chuck Pisano on KKFI the blues music culture and scene in Kansas City would be skipping a heartbeat. Thanks, Chuck, for bringing blues music, as well as local musicians and performers to KKFI listeners.
With that said we could not say it any better than Chuck and the Blues Kitchen listeners.
Chuck, you will be missed! – Michael Blankowski
Thank you for your time, Chuck. You will missed! Have a great time moving forward and God speed. – Mike McAlister

Chuck you have given so many years to all of us and turned us on to tons of great Blues!! We love you and thank you so much! – Mara Suter
Best kitchen in KC, ever……. – Ed Forsyth
Love the Blues Kitchen. Thank you Chuck! – Randy Ray
Thanks for all the great music over the years, Chuck! – Mike Murphy
I am going to miss the Bros on Saturdays.guess ill listen to my own collection, but somehow when Chuck plays them it sounds so great. Thank you Chuck !! share the affinity for the Allmans. — Jill Spencer (Note: The Blues Kitchen is staying on-air every Saturday from 8 to 11 am. Only Chuck is stepping aside. Tune in next week for more Blues. Thanks for all the comments. KC is known as a Blues city, and Chuck contributed significantly towards keeping it that way.)
Exceptional show today! I have been a fan of Chuck and Johns since the first time i found the blues kitchen in early 2000. Thank you for all the great music.– Tim Van Dee
NO, Chuck, you CANNOT go! What’s up with that??? – June Morlan
Thanks for all the great music, Saturday mornings won’t be quite the same. – Jeff Humfeld
Thank you for 13 years of amazing blues shows! I can’t imagine not waking up on Saturday mornings and tuning in to KKFI. You and Junebug make Saturday mornings my most relaxing 3 hours of my weekend! You will be missed! Thank you for your love of the Blues and your dedication to sharing it with your listeners! – DeEtta McAlister
Chuck, unbelievable that you’re leaving. Like Jeff said, Saturday mornings won’t be quite the same, but at least we’ll still have the Kitchen. Best of luck to you and thanks for all the great music you brought us. – Mike
Thank you Chuck! I’m gonna miss you but I understand and respect your decision to move on. I hope that you will be able to come back from time to time. Thanks again for getting this program started and hopefully it will continue to be a part of all blues lovers Saturday mornings for a long time to come. – Gary Hornaday
Thanks for all the great music. Please at least come back for your Christmas show. It’s a family tradition! We mark it on the calendar as soon as you announce it, and spend the whole three hours baking. We won’t know what to do without you! Enjoy every moment with your son. – Grace
Try to never miss it! – Louise Kaplanski Gordon
Always… always… enjoyed! Thank you so much! – Russ Gfeller
LOVE You, Chuck! Thanks so much for playing my requests and showing me new music. I have lived in other towns, and they don’t have a clue about what is a hit. Happy trails! – Debbie Rhodes
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Chuck…you made a great difference in KC…maybe Junebug will have you back for special events…Junebug has a manly mancave…
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