June 12th, is the 40th anniversary of the historic March for Nuclear Disarmament and Human Needs that occurred in New York City and other cities around the US. This powerful day of protest that affected many people and grassroots organizers for years afterwards is still one of the largest mobilizations in US history. Leslie Cagan, peace and social justice organizer in New York City, led that march. Today, as a member of the June 12th Legacy Committee, she is leading a global zoom gathering to remember and celebrate what happened forty years ago and to take stock of where we are today regarding nuclear armament. She tells a little bit of the history on Sprouts and explains how the listener can participate in the June 12 event or hear recordings about it after June 12.

Harvey Wasserman, American journalist, author, democracy activist, and advocate for renewable energy pioneered the global grassroots movement against nuclear reactors. He has been a strategist and organizer in the anti-nuclear movement in the United States for over 30 years. Recently, He has been raising a red flag about two power plants near Los Angeles, in particular, in Diablo Canyon. He spoke about this with Ursula Ruedenberg from Pacifica Network, as well as about dangers at the other 91 nuclear power plants in the US. He also gives information on how the listener can join his weekly gatherings on line to discuss voting rights and environmental protection.

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