Peaceworks KC held it’s annual Memorial Day vigil at the Kansas City weapons plant. There was a die-in memory of those who died due to contaminants at the old weapons plant at Bannister Federal Complex, and seventeen activists were arrested for trespassing. KKFI was on hand to record the proceedings.
The illustrious group of 17 who crossed the alleged property line at the National Security Campus (Honeywell nuclear weapons parts plant) 14510 Botts Road, Kansas City, MO, on Memorial Day, May 27, 2019, are:
1. Danowski, Christine (Europe);
2. Dibben, Bennette;
3. Faust, Ronald;
4. Faust, Toni (H&W);
5. Graves, Spencer;
6. Hamrick, Jordan (Sunny);
7. Hannah, James;
8. Karam, Daniel;
9. Penniston, Deborah (widow of former 20 years worker at old plant);
10. Rodemann, Louis (Christian Brother);
11. Schiele, Jordan;
12. Say-Yeen, Joseph (a/k/a Joseph Wun);
13. Stoever, Jane;
14. Suellentrop, Ann;
15. Van Der Hijden, Susanna (Europe);
16. Walker, Georgia; and
17. Woody, Leigh.
Also, Lu Mountenay (deceased), some of her ashes were carried across the line by Jane Stoever.