Jaws of Justice Radio investigates how we can achieve justice from a system of laws deeply rooted in economic, social and political inequality.  We want to dispel misconceptions created by the news and entertainment industry, politicians and our educational system. We hope you will listen.

For our show, I will speak with Leigh Lynch, Executive Director, and others on the staff at Arts in Prison. There are almost 10,000 incarcerated persons in Kansas. Arts in Prison impacts the likelihood that an inmate will be successful upon return to community. The arts are uniquely able to reach those hiding deep within themselves. Practicing art puts one in touch with their better self. Arts provide an opportunity for reflection. The arts create opportunities for empathy, collaboration, and accountability. Arts in Prison creates success opportunities for inmates. Success, combined with confidence, grows hope. And with hope, anything becomes possible.

Arts in Prison uses the arts to inspire positive change in the incarcerated, to reduce recidivism, and to reconnect offenders with their communities. They prove it is possible for inmates to change their lives; that in addition to new skills and attitudes, offenders need an inclusive, non-judgmental atmosphere in order to change; that involving trained community volunteers delivering arts classes and programs provides effective mentoring that helps offenders shape their behavior patterns; and they believe that powerful experiences through various art forms can help transform the thinking and aspirations of offenders, volunteers and community.

On Jaws of Justice, we examine how to find justice in our society.  Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.

Please tune in!

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