Baher Azmy on Torture, Mel Goodman on Ashton Carter

This week on CounterSpin: It’s hard to think of a time when a free press is more necessary than when the public needs to know about crimes committed in our name. So the release of a Senate report on CIA torture is a test for US media. We’ll talk about the report and the media response with Baher Azmy, legal director at the Center for Constitutional Rights.

100628-D-9880W-113.JPGAlso this week: Ashton Carter will likely be the next secretary of Defense. Press coverage tells us he’s a Rhodes Scholar, a physicist and an “uber wonk.” But else should we know about him, and what does his selection mean for US military policy? Author and military analyst Mel Goodman will join us to discuss that.

Center for Constitutional Rights
–“The Military-Industrial Complex Gets Its Man,” by Mel Goodman (CounterPunch, 12/9/14)

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