Join us Monday, May 3rd, 2021, at 9:00 AM when host Margot Patterson will interview Lee Gibson, Founder of Relentless Pursuit Outreach and Recovery (RPOR) and Christine McDonald, Founder of Christine’s Place.
RPOR is an organization dedicated to ending sex trafficking and helping victims recover and heal. Christine’s Place will be a crisis response center for prostituted people from all backgrounds and races to seek resources and safety.
Lee Gibson, founder and executive director of Relentless Pursuit, has a background in law enforcement, firefighting and military service.
Christine McDonald was prostituted on Independence Avenue for 17 years before finding her escape and making it her life mission to help others experiencing the same situation. She has written two books about her experience and is now bringing physical solutions to the avenue.
Working hand in hand, Relentless Pursuit and Christine’s Place will address the business of prostitution from all angles.
“The reality is, if we didn’t have buyers, we wouldn’t have traffickers exploiting our most vulnerable,” McDonald said.
McDonald said the center will create choice – especially once the women see it as a trusted resource – and provide a pathway out of prostitution.
Christine’s Place will be located in the four connected buildings at the corner of Independence and Quincy avenues. It is to be a non-judgmental place.
Gibson is now focused on stopping human trafficking by eradicating the demand. This includes working with Attorney General’s Human Trafficking Task Force, the Missouri Highway Patrol, other federal and local law enforcement agencies, and partners like McDonald.
During the second half of our hour, host Melvin Merritt will speak with James Hosey. James has personal experience with homelessness and he feels called to help members of our community who are lacking stable and appropriate housing. There is a lack of housing that low-income people can afford and without housing options, people face eviction, instability and homelessness. James can explain the impact of family violence, discrimination and health on the community of people who are homeless.
We hope you will listen.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
Calendar for the week of May 3rd:
In compliance with the latest version of Mayor Lucas’s emergency order, Masks must be worn in all indoor spaces with more than one person per room, and outdoor spaces where social distancing cannot be maintained.See the FAQS at
- Legal Aid of Western Missouri can provide free legal assistance to low-income and vulnerable Jackson County homeowners who fall behind on their payments and face foreclosure. Interested individuals can call 816-474-6750 to apply.
- You can find Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense events at org. Open to all, Mothers and others!
- MON, May 3rd, noon, No More Excuses Coalition Meeting at the Mohart Center Auditorium, 3200 Wayne, KCMO.
- MONday Meets: 4 PM, May 3rd, an Online event hosted by The Willow Domestic Violence Center on Facebook Live, a chance to meet and talk.
- MON, May 3rd, 6:45 – 8:45 PM KC Criminal Justice Task Force KCCJTF meeting via conference call if you would like to join in, please call the Conference call # :605-313-5573 when asked for code then enter 454777.
- TUES, May 4th, 6:30pm MADP Zoom link:
- TUES, May 4th, 6 PM Immigration Legislation Phonebank hosted by Advocates for Immigrant Rights and Reconciliation (AIRR) Open to anyone on or off Facebook. You can call legislators in both Kansas and Missouri, asking them to support a complete and inclusive immigration reform! There will be training at this phone bank to show you how to make these calls, and will provide a script for you to use when calling your elected officials.
- FRI, May 7th, 11:00 AM Empower Missouri’s Smart Sentencing Coalition Call. Access at
- FRI, May 7th, 12 noon Empower Missouri Monthly Friday Forum Series: All Politics Are Local. Federal Level Decisions: From D.C. to YOU: How policy made in DC affects us locally from Housing Policy to Protecting the Un-Housed Register for the forum at
- FRI, May 7th, 7 PM, The KC Area wide Chapter of Parents of Murdered Children and Other Survivors of Homicide will hold their monthly meeting at Our Lady of Sorrows Church, 2552 Gillham Road, KCMO. They meet to provide assistance to all survivors of homicide victims. If you would like to be added to our mailing list or be contacted, leave your information at [email protected]
- SAT, May 8th, 11 AM – 2 PM. MISD are collecting clothes, soft items and household items for their upcoming Marketplace event on June 5th. The Drop-off is in the North Parking Lot of Plexpod Westport Commons 300 E. 39th St. KCMO. Vendors must reserve space by 5-22. MISD is raising funds to assist production of a virtual art show featuring artworks rendered by incarcerated artists. For more info, visit YOUR support is much APPRECIATED!
- SAT, May 8th, 1 PM KC MASS Movement Meeting in KCMO This is a progressive coalition that is committed to anti-racist principles, equity, and inclusion, a welcoming space for people who are sincere about advancing social justice in Kansas City. You can join this online event on FB live.
- SAT, May 8th, Noon, Mothers of Incarcerated Sons and Daughters MONTHLY SESSION offers support/advocacy for anyone with an incarcerated loved one. At Plexpod Westport Commons, centrally located on busline, easy to find at 300 E. 39th St KCMO (Annex A) meeting room with convenient parking and much more.
- A list of services, meals, and hot lines are available at It is updated daily.
Please take care of yourselves and others. Thanks to all our listeners, stay close to your dial and stay well! If you are out, please wear a mask!