What if the very thing you seek in life is what you are called to give to others? On February 22nd, host David Bell speaks with Gary Dumas. Gary Dumas is an author, educator and personal development coach helping men and women find and grow into the absolute best version of themselves. When Gary started providing substance use and anger management programs for criminal courts in Kansas City, he quickly saw the need for something more. Rather than teaching his clients to “just say no,” Gary understood the power in teaching his clients to “just say yes” to the absolute best version of themselves. Join us as we talk with Gary about how his own experiences helped him to develop a non-traditional approach to assist others in reaching their potential.
We will air our calendar at the middle of the hour.
We would like to thank everyone who pledged to support KKFI last week during our Winter Fund Drive 2021. KKFI is listener supported radio and we bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. If you missed the opportunity to help support our program, please go online at KKFI.org and click the donate button.
We value our listeners. This is why we strive to bring interesting and vital programs. We hope you will listen.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
Calendar for the week of February 22nd:
In compliance with Mayor Lucas’ emergency order, ensure necessary public health measures remain in place. See the FAQS at kcmo.gov.
- If you are behind on your mortgage, Legal Aid of Western Missouri may be able to provide you with free legal advice and services. If you are a resident of Jackson County, you can give them a call: 816-474-6750.
- Corey’s Network Grief to Relief workshops start again, MON, Feb. 22nd at 6 PM at The City House (the old Best Buy on 40 Highway), 14300 E US Highway 40, KCMO, MTG RM 2 You may text 816-834-9161 when you arrive.
- You can check to register for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America events this week at https://momsdemandaction.org/events/
- Monday Meets: 4 PM, Online event. Hosted by The Willow Domestic Violence Center open to everyone on Facebook Live.
- TUES, Feb. 23rd, 6:30 PM Alvin Brooks, a singular figure in the fight for civil rights in Kansas City, reflects on a lifetime of activism, community building, and public service in a conversation with Mayor Quinton Lucas. Watch live at youtube.com/kclibrary.alvin brooks
- WED, Feb. 24th, 6 PM, Policy & Legislative Advocacy Training (pt. 2) Online Event hosted by Alive and Well Communities, ACLU of Missouri and Reale Justice Network. Access info at aclu of Missouri on Facebook
- WED, Feb. 24th, 6 PM, Death is Not Justice: A Conversation with Missouri Death Row Exoneree Reggie Griffin is a virtual event hosted by the KC Chapter of MADP. Access info available from [email protected]
- WED, Feb. 24th, 2 PM, 2021 Legislative Update Webinar: an Online event hosted by Missouri Jobs with Justice. Register at their Facebook page.
- THURS, Feb. 25th, 5 PM, Safe and Welcoming Wyandotte CTY phone bank. Access info at More2 on Facebook.
- FRI, Feb. 26th, 12:30 PM, Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty invites you to join us in the struggle for the abolition of the death penalty at their virtual monthly meetups. This month they’ll cover current clemency campaigns and ways to stop executions. For access info contact [email protected].
- Feb. 26th, 6:30 PM, Our Voices is an online event hosted by MORE2. Do you, a loved one or friend have a conviction? Ever felt discriminated against when it comes to housing, employment or other areas of life? Talk about it, access info at More2 on Facebook.
- SAT, Feb. 27th, 1 PM, in honor of Black History Month, there will be a rally in Topeka KS Walk from the Brown v Board of Education National Historic Site to the Kansas State Capitol. Hosted by The Miller Dream LLC – MASKS|WATER|SANITIZER|SOCIAL DISTANCING will be in place
- A list of services, meals, and hot lines are available at blogspot.com. The list is updated daily.
Please take care of yourselves and others. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought into sharp focus the need for health care reforms that promote universal access to affordable care. COVID-19 has devastated the U.S. prison and jail population.