Shame hides us both from others and from ourselves. It teaches us not to trust our feelings. Rather than using shame and guilt as a moral compass, Bedrick suggests a more effective strategy to a healthy mental and emotional life is to unhook ourselves from shame. This enables us to hear the intelligent messages from our body that allow healing to take place at a deeper, more sustainable level. Here he discusses the concept of “unshaming” as an alternative to traditional therapy. He argues that traditional therapy often focuses on alleviating symptoms without addressing the root causes, whereas unshaming encourages deep, experiential engagement with emotions like anxiety and anger. (hosted by Justine Willis Toms)
David Bedrick, J.D. Dipl. PWJ.D., Dipl. PW, holds a doctorate in Jurisprudence and is a Diplomate of the Process Work Institute. He founded the Santa Fe Institute for Shame-Based Studies. His work focuses on addressing shame at its root and helping people forge new and compassionate relationships with their authentic selves. Bedrick is a contributor to Psychology Today magazine and has shared his teachings with thousands of students globally through books, social media, articles, and online courses.
David Bedrick is the author of several books including:
- Talking Back to Dr. Phil: Alternatives to Mainstream Psychology (Belly Song Press 2013)
- Revisioning Activism: Bringing Depth, Dialogue, and Diversity to Individual and Social Change (Belly Song Press 2017)
- You Can’t Judge a Body By Its Cover: 17 Women’s Stories of Hunger, Body Shame, and Redemption (Belly Song Press 2020)
- The Unshaming Way: A 3-Part Model for Dismantling Shame (North Atlantic Books 2024)
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