Kansas City not only has a place near the top of the list in murder rate, but is also near the top in the incidence of domestic violence. Guest Host Susan Sanders talks with Mary Moore of the True Light Family Resource Center about her work with victims of domestic violence.
Susan is a licensed psychotherapist and Mary is a community outreach specialist with True Light Family Resource Center, together they explain that abuse is more than physical, it can be emotional abuse too. They also give local resources and information on how someone can escape an abusive situation.
KC Domestic Abuse Hotline – 816-468-5463
True Light Family Resource Center* – 816-561-1700
*True Light does provide shelter and safe haven for the abused and can help in getting you and your children reestablished on your own.
The Criminal Justice Task Force is holding a lobby day Wednesday, March 13th in Jefferson City, to advocate for their long term sentencing bill. This year is the first time that companion bills have been introduced in both the House and the Senate. If you want to find out more about their bill and transportation to Jefferson City call Robin at 816-468-7894.
Registration ends at 5pm March 14th.
The Greater Kansas City Hispanic Collaborative is sponsoring a Latinos of Tomorrow “Scholarship Fes”t, Saturday, March 16th from 8:30am to 3pm at UMKC’s Health Services Building, 2464 Charlotte, KC, MO (that’s between Charlotte and Holmes on 25th St).
Scholarship Fest is open to any Greater KC area student in grades 8 thru 11 that wants to prepare for college. If want to know what skills and tools you will need to successfully achieve that goal, The Latinos of Tomorrow’s “Pathway to the Future” curriculum will help you.
The first step to register is to go the Latinos of Tomorrow website at https://sites.google.com/a/latinosoftomorrow.com/kc/ and download the registration work sheet. Please fill the registration worksheet out with your parents.
The Second step-once you have it filled it completely, go back to the website https://sites.google.com/a/latinosoftomorrow.com/kc/scholarship-fest-2013 and register on-line. Registration ends at 5pm March 14th.
Check out their website for information about their Essay Workshop on Saturday, April 6th and ACT Practice Exam and Preparation Seminar Saturday, April 20th.