Election Roundup, How a Fake Guru Earned a Real Following, and More


Election Roundup: The Convention EditionFrom Todd Akin’s flap over “legitimate rape” to the temporary absence of the word “God” in the Democratic Party platform, two of our favorite analysts reflect on the highlights (and lowlights) of the two party conventions.Listen to Maureen’s conversation with Kevin Eckstrom and Kim Lawton.

Other stories in this week’s show:

Part Ten in Our Series
Gay in the Eyes of God:

Homosexuality and the Mormon Church

Gay and Mormon

Like many Christian denominations, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints officially condemns homosexual acts. Tied into that is the central role of the family, which must include a bond between a man and a woman.

Listen to Maureen’s interview with Professor Philip Barlow.

The Fake Hindu GuruWhat happens when a man pretends to be a Hindu spiritual leader, travels to Arizona, and develops a real following.Listen to Maureen’s interview with filmmaker Vikram Gandhi.

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