First and Second Intifadas: the story has not yet ended

The word Intifada in Arabic means a shaking off. The First Intifada began in December 1987, thirty-five years ago, and lasted more than five years, ending in 1993 when its momentum was undercut by the Oslo negotiations. Massive grassroots organizing then distinguished it from the many previous attempts to shake off the Zionist domination. The 2nd Intifada broke out in 2000.
We talk with Dr. Emad Moussa, a Palestinian-British writer and researcher who specializes in the political psychology of conflict and intergroup dynamics, focusing especially on Israel-Palestine. He also has a background in human rights and journalism.
Now living in London he first experienced the First Intifada as a 7-year-old child living in a Gaza refugee camp. He was also living in Gaza during the 2nd Intifada. 
Linking the present to the past, his reflections remind us that this story has not yet ended, that it lives in the memories of those who participated or who were touched by the events, that it continues to shape the many meanings of the past for those who write or think or speak about them in the present.

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