On March 27th, Host David Bell will speak with Author Gene Slater to discuss his book, Freedom to Discriminate – How Realtors Conspired to Segregate Housing and Divide America. Is freedom inextricable, belonging equally to all Americans – or is it private property belonging to one individually without regard to the rights of others, especially those of other races?
David Bell and Gene Slater will show how the history of redlining illuminates this question fundamental to America.
Redlining is the discriminatory practice of denying services (typically financial) to residents of certain areas based on their race or ethnicity. After this practice was so rampant, it was easily identified, it was outlawed under fair lending laws. Currently, these factors cannot be used to make lending or underwriting decisions.
Gene Slater has served as senior advisor on housing for federal, state, and local agencies for over forty years. He cofounded and chairs CSG Advisors, which has been one of the nation’s leading advisors on affordable housing for decades. He has advised on housing issues in thirty states. His projects have received numerous national awards, and in the aftermath of the financial crisis in 2009 he helped design the program by which the United States Treasury financed homes for 110,000 first-time buyers. He received degrees from Columbia, MIT, and Stanford, as well as a mid-career fellowship from Harvard. He has lived and worked in New York, Boston, rural Wisconsin, Chicago, and the San Francisco Bay Area, where he currently resides.
We bring you vital information underserved or ignored by mainstream media. We pride ourselves on digging in and sharing the issues that entertain and inform our listeners by providing a curated, unique and independent voice.
On Jaws of Justice, we examine how to find justice in our society. Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.
Calendar for the week of March 27th:
- Legal Aid of Western Missouri can provide free civil legal services to low-income and vulnerable people who live in Jackson CTY MO. Interested individuals can call 816-474-6750 to apply.
- For Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense virtual meetings this week, go to https://momsdemandaction.org/events/. All are welcome, mothers and others.
- Check the calendar at https://more2.org/ for events you can attend.
- TUES, March 28th, 5:30 PM, Eliminate Fines and Fees Youth Summit. Here is an opportunity to tell your story, become an advocate or contact your local representative. Youth deserve the opportunity to be our next leaders, liaisons, and legends. But fines and fees based on racist policies and handed down by courts are blocking youth from building the futures they envision for themselves and leaving youth and families with crushing debt. Youth and community leaders are coming together to urge Missouri policymakers to end fines and fees in the juvenile legal Youth system and invite you to join them for a Summit session on Tuesday, March 28 in support of House Bill 1142. More info at https://misdkc.org/
- WED, March 29th, 3 PM, Noose to Needle: How Slavery, Lynching, and Racial Terror Birthed the Modern-Day Death Penalty. Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Crk65rv1RyygfT_j-7igxw
- THURS, March 30th, 6:00 PM, The Black Tax: The Cost of Being Black in America a discussion of his book by Shawn Rochester joined in the conversation by Gwen Grant, president and CEO of the Urban League of Greater Kansas City at the Plaza Branch of the Kansas City MO Public Library in the Truman Forum Auditorium. This is an In Person Event, you can RSVP now at https://kclibrary.org/node/32528/register Add up the economic costs of anti-Black bias in the U.S. over nearly 250 years – owed to slavery and the deprivations of Jim Crow and discrimination that persists today – and the numbers are staggering. Author and personal finance consultant Shawn Rochester puts the total at $70 trillion, factoring in the loss of more than 6 million jobs and 1.4 million businesses. These losses are the foundation of a racial wealth gap that continues to plague our society. For every dollar held by the median white household, the median Black household has just 10 cents, according to Princeton University’s Program for Research on Inequality.
- THURS, March 30th, 5 PM, Fierce Women: Artemisia Gentileschi and the Women Worthies Lecture is at the Atkins Auditorium, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, 4525 Oak St, 64111. With Dr Eve Straussman-Pflanzer, Curator and Head of Italian and Spanish Paintings at the National Gallery of Art.
- A list of services, meals, and hot lines are available at https://lawrenceprogressivecalendar.blogspot.com/. The list is updated daily.
Please take care of yourselves and others. Thanks for listening to Jaws of Justice.