In The Executioner’s Shadow; and Challenging E-Carceration

In The Executioner’s Shadow

The new documentary In the Executioner’s Shadow casts a penetrating look at the consequences of the death penalty through three powerful stories – the rare perspective of a former state executioner who comes within days of executing an innocent person; a Boston Marathon bombing victim who struggles to decide what justice really means; and the parents of a murder victim who choose to fight for the life of their daughter’s killer. As the battle to overturn capital punishment comes to a head in the U.S., this provocative film challenges viewers to question their deepest beliefs about justice. As wrongful convictions, botched executions, and a broken justice system inch further into the spotlight, we must consider: What is justice? What part should the death penalty play?

Hosts Elyse Max and Pat Bartholome talk with Rick Stack co-producer of In the Executioner’s Shadow about the film, and the issue of capital punishment at the national and state level. Rick is a Communications Professor and activist, working to end the death penalty.

To see a trailer for the film, to arrange a showing or to purchase the film go to –

Challenging E-Carceration

Challenging E-Carceration aims to change the conversation and policy concerning electronic monitoring and surveillance in the criminal legal system. In recent years mass incarceration has come under considerable criticism and been the focus of political mobilization from many quarters. But what is the alternative? Will we merely exchange concrete and steel cages for devices like electronic monitors which convert homes in poor communities into jails? Will we allow the state and corporations to use technology to restrict our movement and record massive amounts of information about our lives? Challenging E-Carceration says no.

Challenging E-Carceration is jointly hosted by the Center for Media Justice and the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (UCIMC). James Kilgore is the project director. He has received a Soros Justice Fellowship for 2017-18 to develop this project. This project is part of the Center for Media Justice’s #NoDigitalPrisons campaign.

Host Margo Patterson talks with James Kilgore, Project Director of Challenging E-Carceration about why electronic monitoring is just another form of mass incarceration its growing use in corrections and immigration enforcement and how the media can challenge this trend.

To find out more about Challenging E-Carceration go to –

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