The Know Joey? Foundation is the brain child of Kansas City area entrepreneur, Joseph “Joey” Thomas. Thomas wanted to create a non-profit that benefited young men of Kansas City’s inner-city communities. A well known and successful owner of local area barbershops, Joey recognized the challenges young men face growing up within the urban core of the City and wanted to do his part in making a positive impact on young men within the city, his home. Joey knew he could make a difference in encouraging at-risk male youth to make positive life changes and to strive for success through education and entrepreneurship.
The Know Joey? Foundation strives to empower, lead and uplift young males within the Kansas City urban core through educational advancement and the exploration of entrepreneurial endeavors. The Know Joey? Foundation is an outlet for boys to express and discover themselves as they enter into the state of manhood.
The Know Joey? Foundation began in in 2007. Since its inception the Foundation has created programs to benefit urban youth in the Kansas City community.
“Grooming For Success” is a week long economic and life awareness youth camp established to teach and mentor young males the steps to take to become an entrepreneur. It teaches young men self reliance they discover their own personal passion and grooms them on how to turn that passion into a business.
“Fresh Cut Fresh Start” is an annual back-to-school community challenge that serves the dual purpose of collecting school supplies for area children from local donations and providing fresh haircuts for young men starting a new school year. Since beginning, this annual endeavor has provided over 1,000 free haircuts and hundreds of bookbags filled with free school supplies.
“Turkey Tuesday” Is the annual 24 hour turkey drive that collects frozen turkeys, non perishable canned and boxed goods and monetary donations from area residents to give to families in need, so that they may celebrate the feasting holiday. Turkey Tuesday collects turkeys and non perishable goods each year to help hundreds of Kansas City families each year.
The Know Joey? Foundation continues to create and sponsor new programs and events in its efforts to promote positivity in the Kansas City urban core and remain a positive influence on young men in our community.
Host/producer/engineer: Donna Morrow Wolfe
Co-host/co-producer: Karen E. Griffin