Diana Wanyoni interviews Fadhila Juma (21 yrs old) who is the confidante of many teenage girls in her area and who also accompanies those who report violations to the local administration. These girls may be facing forced early marriages, teenage pregnancies, gender based violence and coerced child prostitution. Fadhila is a member of the SHE LEADS program. Diana next interviews Peggy Namadi Masika, a grassroots leader and child rights advocate and the Coast Regional Coordinator for the Kenya Alliance for Advancement of Children. She describes a SHE LEADS meeting in which girls from Junda talk with organizers and politicians, who tell their own GBV stories.
Diana next travels to meet Nailah Abdallah, founder and executive director of Sisters for Justice, Kisauni municipality. Nailah tells how Covid worsened gender based violence, and how community breakdown and poverty led girls to help their boyfriends rob men. She says fear of being killed is reducing such crime, but what is really needed are jobs to keep youth busy and earning, and public amenities like parks where they can have safe recreation.
The last of Diana’s interviews is with Esther Ingolo, a former radio journalist in Kenya who is now the director for gender and social services at Mombasa County. She tells among other things about providing psychological services for girls (and their families) who have suffered gender-based violence.