Learn How to Actualize Green New Deals

On May 24th, 2021, host Richard Mabion speaks with Neil Brown, PhD, Director of Community Education and Engagement at UrbanKind Institute and Rich Gutowski of Stonegate Brokerage who is now affiliated with Philantrophic Life.

UrbanKind Institute’s mission is to eliminate barriers to family thriving in over-burdened and under-resourced communities.​ They do this by centering the voices, lived experiences, goals, and priorities of residents from these communities in the decisions, research, and investments in their communities so that residents are the primary beneficiaries.​


Dr. Neil Brown was born in Jamaica.  He holds a B.S. and M.S. degree from Tuskegee University and a PhD from Penn State University. He previously served as an Assistant Professor of Geography at Penn State University for over 10 years. During that time, he designed immersive educational experiences for college students while traveling three months across South Africa. This allowed him the opportunity to engage with different stakeholders, community members in South Africa, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. He aspires to impact the world by creating more spaces for the next generation to be able to see themselves clearly as change agents in our rapidly changing society.

Rich Gutowski knows how to get things done.  He is a disruptive innovator, transforming industry and our communities on scale. He is a philanthropist who is frustrated that we are not moving the needle far enough or fast enough.  He recognizes that the markets are demanding more compassion and more meaningful and impactful engagement from business and if we don’t figure out how to move the needle, we might lose the opportunity to try.

Please tune in to hear their discussion of how a national product can be created within our low-come communities.

We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world. We can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!

It is understandable to freak out over climate change, but the challenge is to work hard on this crisis while still enjoying life on what is still a beautiful planet.

This will be a great radio hour!

We hope you tune in!

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