Millions of Elders: Biomimicry and How Nature Would Do It

Biomimicry is decoding astonishing treasures from nature’s recipe book that we can mimic for our technological and industrial practices. It’s also changing how we think: a crash course in environmental education from nature’s viewpoint. Biomimicry Guild co-founder Dr. Dayna Baumeister chronicles the latest biomimicry inventions and educational breakthroughs by asking, “How would nature do it?” The U.S. Government’s first certified biomimicry professional, Marie Zanowick, shows how biomimicry is influencing federal policy and actions.

About the speakers:

Co-founder of the Biomimicry Guild, Dayna Baumeister‘s fascination and intrigue with the natural world began early with daily forays into the woods behind her home and weekend trips to the mountains with her family. As an adult, nature has been an inspiration in all of her personal and professional endeavors. Starting at the coastal seashore of Florida, Dayna received a BS in Marine Biology from New College in Sarasota. After several years exploring the intricate relationships of coral reefs, she turned in her wetsuit and headed back to the mountains. There, Dayna earned a MS in Resource Conservation and a PhD in Organismic Biology and Ecology from the University of Montana in Missoula, specializing in dynamics of positive interactions among animal and plant life.

With a background in biology, a devotion to applied natural history, and a passion for sharing the wonders of nature with others, Dayna has worked in the field of Biomimicry since 1998 as an educator, researcher, and design consultant. As co-founder and keystone for the Biomimicry Guild, Dayna acts as the liaison between all members of the Guild. In addition, she brings her skills as a systems thinker and organic communicator to her dynamic workshops, presentations, seminars, and exhibits, which have introduced the idea of nature as model, measure, and mentor to thousands of designers, business managers, and engineers around the country. Bringing home the principles of life that she espouses in her work, Dayna finds physical and spiritual sustenance as a gardener, hunter, yoga instructor, and naturalist. She lives with her family in the foothills of the inspiring landscape of the rugged Rocky Mountain Front in Montana.

Marie Zanowick is a Certified Biomimicry Professional. She is the Biomimicry and Engineering Instructor for the Biomimicry Institute and serves on the EPA Pollution Prevention Team with the US Environmental Protection Agency. The role of the EPA Pollution Prevention Team is to develop, identify and implement preventative strategies designed to eliminate environmental pollution. Since 1990 she has served as the pollution prevention expert for technical assistance and policy development projects for EPA’s Office of International Activity’s work in nine developing countries. Marie holds degrees in biology, public health (BS) and engineering (MS).

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