Kay Mills and Ray Thomas with Missouri Jobs with Justice discuss Missouri Proposition A of 2024, the Minimum Wage and Earned Paid Sick Time Initiative, with Karl Brooks and Radio Active Magazine regular Spencer Graves. Mills is the political director for Missouri Jobs with Justice. Thomas is a a member of IBEW Local 124 and a leading campaigner for Missouri Jobs with Justice.
Ms. Mills holds a BA in political science from Washington University in St. Louis and has campaigned on many issues over the years, including expanding access to health care and implementing clean power standards as well as increasing the minimum wage.
During the interview, Ms. Mills says, “an interesting scary statistic is that a construction worker without paid sick days is 21% more likely to experience an occupational injury than one with paid sick days.” That’s according to a “Fact Sheet” saying that, “Paid Sick Days Improve Public Health” published November 2023 by the National Partnership for Women and Families.
Also, paid sick leave would reduce the transmission of infectious diseases, making it easier to control epidemics and making the population healthier generally. This is supported by research summarized in Graves and Samuelson (2022) “Externalities, public goods, and infectious diseases“, Real-World Economics Review, 99: 25-56.
Copyright 2024 Kay Mills, Ray Thomas, Karl Brooks, and Spencer Graves, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) 4.0 international license.