In 1947, in Tokyo, 500 women were dishonorably discharged from the US Army on the charge of homosexuality. Murder in the WAC is a one-woman show written and performed by Pat Bond, about how lesbians were recruited into the US military during the war and after the war expelled. There are a few mentions of the word sh-t that have had their vowels silenced for radio. Also a euphemistic reference to lesbian sex. This is comedy, but with a tragic ending.
This show was written and performed by Pat Bond at a live-audience event in New York, in 1982. Pat Bond (1925-1990) was an actress and a popular writer and performer of one-woman lesbian-related comedy shows in the United States. She was also a member of the Women’s Army Corps near the end of World War II.
The Women’s International News Gathering Service (WINGS) was co-founded by the late Katherine Davenport and Frieda Werden in 1986. WINGS is distributed free weekly to community radio around the world. WINGS may be contacted at [email protected].