On Exploration this week Dr. Michio Kaku examines the future of space programming.
His first guest is Thomas D. Jones, PhD, a scientist, speaker, author, pilot, and veteran NASA astronaut. In more than eleven years with NASA, he flew on four space shuttle missions to Earth orbit. Tom Jones started with NASA when the goal was to reach the moon. Now that is accomplished, what’s next?
Next, Michio Kaku speaks Robert Zubrin, an American aerospace engineer, author, and advocate for human exploration of Mars. He is also an advocate for U.S. space superiority, writing that “in the 21st century, victory on land, sea or in the air will go to the power that controls space” and that “if we desire peace on Earth, we need to prepare for war in space.” Robert Zubrin would like to see us reach Mars.
Exploration is an hour-long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestrial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction.