On Explorations this week Dr. Kaku’s first guests are Michael H. Maggelet and James C. Oskins, authors of Broken Arrow: The Declassified History of U.S. Nuclear Weapons Accidents. The book is a detailed study of the 36 known U.S. nuclear weapons accidents, also known as “Broken Arrows”. The authors used declassified government documents, aircraft accident reports, and first-hand accounts to shed light on the Department of Defense’s summaries of nuclear weapons accidents. Nuclear weapons accidents may be called the price of maintaining a nuclear weapons arsenal.
In the second part of the hour, Dr. Kaku speaks with Mike Moore, peace activist, author of Twilight War: The Folly of U.S. Space Dominance. His book considers the historical background of space militarization and provides an overview of the United States’ efforts to militarily dominate space since the dawn of the space age, arguing that America must either ensure that space-related weapons are verifiably banned for all nations through an international treaty or definitively choose a policy of unilateral space dominance that may lead to an arms race in space and possibly to another cold war.
Exploration is an hour-long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestrial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction.