On Explorations this week Dr. Michio Kaku talks about inner space, or what is inside your mind?
His first guest was Prof. Daniel Clement Dennett III, an American philosopher and cognitive scientist. His research centered on the philosophy of mind, the philosophy of science, and the philosophy of biology, particularly as those fields relate to evolutionary biology and cognitive science. Dennett is the author of Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon, in which he argues that religion is in need of scientific analysis so that its nature and future may be better understood.
Next, Dr, Kaku speaks with Steven Arthur Pinker, a Canadian-American cognitive psychologist, psycholinguist, popular science author, and public intellectual. He is an advocate of evolutionary psychology and the computational theory of mind. Pinker is the Johnstone Family Professor of Psychology at Harvard University. He is the author of Enlightenment Now. Steven Pinker will talk to Dr. Kaku about the mind – is it a blank slate? Is there a core of behavior hardwired into us?
Why do we think the way we do?
Exploration is an hour-long radio program on science, technology, politics, and the environment. Topics covered include black holes, time travel, higher dimensions, string theory, wormholes, search for extra-terrestrial life, dark matter and dark energy, the future of space travel, genetic engineering, the aging process, the future of medicine, the human body shop, artificial intelligence, the future of computers and robots, as well as topics from science fiction.