PeaceWorks Symposium 11/22/24

Crises looming with the Trump election include deportation of immigrants, ongoing war in Gaza, and threats to groups such as gay and trans persons. A meeting on Nov. 22, 2024, was a post-election connection among people with fears about the Trump presidency and with the intent to stand united against injustice. This program features talks by Judy Ancel of the KC-area Cross Border Network and Yaser AbuDagga of Iowa City, a Palestinian who helped found and operates the Hope Foundation that succeeds in bringing aid to Gaza. The Nov. 22 meeting, sponsored by PeaceWorks Kansas City, had local cosponsors representing Friends of Community Media, Health Care Workers for Palestine, American Friends Service Committee. Penn Valley Quaker Meeting, and Citizens for Justice in the Middle East. The forum was held at All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church. (Note: not all of the speakers at the symposium are included in this broadcast. More information about the symposium can be found on the PeaceWorksKC website.  A full version of the symposium – 1 hour, 33 minutes- can be found on YouTube.)

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