On EcoRadio KC, we will share the story of and teachings of Aldo Leopold, an American author, philosopher, naturalist, scientist, ecologist, forester, conservationist, and environmentalist. He was a professor at the University of Wisconsin and is best known for his book, A Sand County Almanac (1949), which has sold more than two million copies.
Leopold was influential in the development of modern environmental ethics and in the movement for wilderness conservation. His ethics of nature and wildlife preservation had a profound impact on the environmental movement, with his ecocentric or holistic ethics regarding land. He emphasized biodiversity and ecology and was a founder of the science of wildlife management.
We can help to mitigate climate change when we respect our place on the planet in equal rank with all other living life. Please tune in to hear discussion of how great change is made.
We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world. We can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!
It is understandable to freak out over climate change, but the challenge is … to work hard on this crisis while still enjoying life on what is still a beautiful planet.
This will be a great radio hour!
We hope you tune in!