Where is God During Terror Attacks? Two Rabbis on Religious Violence

Not in God’s Name: John Sack’s Message to ISIS

Last Friday, we sat down with Rabbi Jonathan Sacks to talk about his new book, Not in God’s Name: Confronting Religious Violence. We had no idea how timely it would become; just hours later, terrorists from the self-proclaimed Islamic State unleashed a series of mass shootings and suicide bombings on multiple sites in Paris. The former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain helps us understand what draws people to religious violence and how it can be stopped.

Why Me?  A Rabbi Tries to Understand Personal Tragedy

Why is there so much suffering in the world? To help us understand senseless tragedy and the myth of “God’s plan,” we spoke with Rabbi Harold Kushner, who has experienced his fair share of personal tragedy, including the death of his young son. Rabbi Kushner is best known for his classic guide to confronting life’s tragedies, When Bad Things Happen to Good People. Now, at age 80, he’s just written a new memoir, Nine Essential Things I’ve Learned about Life.

Americans’ Thinking on Muslim Refugees

What are Americans’ views on Islam and Syrian refugees? It turns out, they’re strikingly similar to how Americans felt about Judaism and European refugees before World War II. Polling expert Robert Jones suggests that these attitudes may be tied to the economy, and worries what this latest data could mean for Syrian refugees.

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