The Women’s Circus of Australia, founded in 1991, offers training with the aims of building physical self-confidence and community cooperation. This program begins with a discussion of the history of circuses and of women in circuses, and continues with interviews with a graduate of Australia’s National Institute of Circus Arts and an instructor and performer in Australia’s Women’s Circus.
Featured speakers in today’s program are: Nicola Brackertz, lecturer in circus history, Swinburne University; Ebony, a graduate of the Natl. Institute of Circus Arts (Australia); Francesca Scully, teacher and performer with The Women’s Circus; and, interviewer, Shelagh Ryan.
Credits: Originally produced for 3CR Radio’s series Women on the Line by Shelagh Ryan; adapted for WINGS by Frieda Werden.
Contacts: National Institute of Circus Arts (;; and, Music excerpts are “Wonderful”, by Noonday Underground and “She’s Got a Story, Too”, by Kerrianne Cox.
The Women’s International News Gathering Service (WINGS) has been covering the global women’s movement and related issues for community radio since 1986. WINGS may be contacted at [email protected].