For our show on Monday February 14th, host Terri Wilke brings you a SWEET topic – bees and the nectar, HONEY, they bring from nectar. First, she speaks with Marty Hansen, an apiarist (beekeeper), from Belton Missouri. You can hear discussion of the practice of beekeeping.
Marty is a member of Northeastern Kansas Beekeepers Association (NEKBA) and the Missouri State Beekeepers Association. Both of the beekeeping organizations will have upcoming lessons on how to keep bees. You can learn of these dates on their websites.
Please read about Marty in the Martin City Telegraph. He talks about how to keep bees and he asks us to call him if we see a swarm of bees. Rather than exterminate them, any local beekeeper would like to take those bees home to a hive.
Terri’s second guest is Rachael Messner, co-owner with Erik Messner of Messner Bee Farms. Messner Bee Farms keeps bees and sells honey to eat and they also produce candles and health and beauty products from bees’ wax, honey, and bee pollen.
It’s all about bees and their honey.
This show airs during the KKFI Winter Fund Drive. KKFI is amazing – the entire idea of Community Radio is amazing! KKFI is not part of any larger media conglomerate, KKFI is us, thanks to the efforts of volunteers who program and produce shows like EcoRadio KC. Please help support KKFI and keep shows like this on the air with your generous contribution. You can consider volunteering at the Studio too.
We at EcoRadio KC are glad to encourage awareness and protection of our world. Our goal is to assure our listeners are aware of how we can create a sustainable present for a sustainable future!
This will be a great radio hour! We hope you can tune in!