Duncan Burnett

WMM presents Khrystal. & Greenline Grows KC + New Releases

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, August 5, 2020 Khrystal. & Greenline Grows KC + New & MidCoastal Releases We play New & MidCoastal Releases from: Khrystal., Noise FM, Major Matt Mason USA, jordana, Bahroot, Cuee, The Republic Tigers, Bream, Lava Dreams, Koney, Cat Dail, Kadesh Flow, Krystle Warren, Catty...

KKFI Spring Dance: DJ Leo Night Us, Grand Marquis, Various Blonde, Duncan Burnett, Marching Cobras

Well we've had a pretty crazy month with lots and lots of show to attend.  It's been a total blast, but we are waaaaay behind editing.  Sometimes it's difficult balancing the day job and hobby gig.  However, we're going to keep bringing you as much as we can with the...