No Divide KC

WMM w/Marion Merritt+Queer Narratives Fest

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, October 28, 2019 Spinning Records With Marion Merritt + Stacy Busch & Wolfe Brack & The Queer Narratives Festival Mark welcomes Marion Merritt, of Records With Merritt, who joins us as “Guest Producer” to share sonic discoveries and information from her musically-encyclopedic-brain. Records With...

WMM’s 50 Favorite MidCoastal Releases of 2020…So Far

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, June 24, 2020 WMM's 50 Favorite MidCoastal Releases of 2020...So Far + Stacy Busch Mark plays (Part 2) of WMM's 50 Favorite MidCoastal Releases of 2020...So Far. This week we'll spin tracks from: Hi-Lux, Adam Scott York, The Roseline, The Sluts, Misha Roberts,...