NSO Group

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — “Biden Advisers Ride on Israeli NSO Pegasus Spyware & Corruption is What Other People Do” with Jonathan Guyer (8-27-21)

For this week's program, producer Jeremy Rothe-Kushel speaks with journalist and managing editor of The American Prospect, Jonathan Guyer, about his articles titled "Biden Advisers Ride on Pegasus Spyware: The NSO Group...has for years enlisted powerful consultants to save its reputation" and "Corruption is What Other People Do: The Biden...

Understanding Israel Palestine (9/11/19)

The Much Too Promised Land: Understanding Israel Palestine - September 11, 2019 Jamie interviews David Barsamian about the parallels between India’s occupation of Kashmir and the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories Margot interviews Elizabeth Campbell about what effects the elimination of US aid is having on UNRWA assistance to...