Sudan Archives

WMM’s 120 Best Recordings of 2020 (Part 3 of 4)

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, December 23, 2020 The 120 Best Recordings of 2020 (Part 3 of 4) Wednesday MidDay Medley presents part-three, of our four-week special: The 120 Best Recordings of 2020. Based on playlists of this little ole radio show, we've compiled representative tracks from our favorite...

WMM presents L A Jones, Be/Non, and Rosé Perez

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, April 8, 2020 New & MidCoastal Releases + Rosé Perez + Danielle Jones & Tim O’Connor of L A Jones + Brenton Cook & Brodie Rush of Be/Non Mark plays New & MidCostal Releases from: R.I.Peter, Nick Siegel, L A Jones, Rosé Perez, Fullbloods,...