Lift Up Your Voices! – Tales of Loss, Love, and Love Lost for the Age of Pandemic

For Wednesday, June 10, the Classical Challenge presents “Lift Up Your Voices! – Tales of Loss, Love, and Love Lost for the Age of Pandemic.” We’ve (well, some of us have) declared war on the coronavirus. It’s a metaphor we use frequently, despite the nearly uniform national experience of wars that...

2020 KKFI Upgrade Project

In the waining days of 2019, KKFI had a very generous family offer to match up to $17,500 to upgrade KKFI's equipment and spaces.  You answered the call and then some!  We raised over $38,000 toward the project and it is underway.  This page will be a repository for information...

KKFI is Here – How we are helping right now.

KKFI is Here. Just a few of the unique ways we are serving our community right now. Donate to KKFI COVID-19 Resources CDC and Regional Information on Covid-19 Updates on stay-at-home orders, unemployment information, COVID-19 testing updates, local resources, local businesses, and more. We are doing our best to keep important information at your fingertips. FOR BUSINESSES...

Part of the healing process for me was taking steps to ensure my story didn’t become the story of other women

"Part of the healing process for me was taking steps to ensure my story didn’t become the story of other women.” Jessi Bixler is a MOCSA Board Member and longtime volunteer, and she is the survivor speaker you'll hear at MOCSA's Community Luncheon on October 14.

KKFI + ArtsKCGo Live Stream Community Boost

Thank you for your interest in KKFI's Live Stream Boost. Now that the world is coming back to "normal" we are swamped with other things too! We are no longer able to provide this specific service at no cost. So if you are interested in sharing your information with KKFI 90.1FM listeners,...

Foolkiller Christmas, Part I

Foolkiller Christmas, Part I is focused mostly on the British Christmas tradition through songs from the 13th century to the present day. We start with the Christmas story in carols, beginning with the Annunciation and ending with ‘… a ship came sailing in…’ (presumably up the Thames) from Bethlehem (no...