Podcast - All Souls Forum

This podcast tracks the audio archives for the “All Souls Forum” radio show. The All Souls Unitarian Universalist Forum, Kansas City’s longest ongoing conversation, has offered a platform for the discussion of significant issues since 1943.

“Tell Me How to Spend $1.5 Billion” with Jan Marcason

The Kansas City City Council just adopted a new $1.5 billion budget for next year.  The budget is the City’s blueprint for what’s important to voters, but how does the Council figure that out?  City Council Member and Finance Committee Chair, Jan Marcason, explains how the Council did it.

Witness at Whiteman

Dozens of peace activists gathered at Whiteman Air Force Base on May 17th to bear witness against drones, two of whom had been arrested at that spot before - Brian Terrell & Ron Faust.  Hear what they had to say along with Jeff Stack, Vicke Kepling, Jane Stoever, Henry Stoever,...

“Please Underestimate Me” with Richard G. Tripp

The Blood, Guts and Soul of Richard G. Tripp—a storyteller and motivational speaker who has directed, developed, and grown Care of Poor People, Inc., so effectively that he now asks us to “please underestimate” him. The organization continues and Mr. Tripp is expanding his efforts for homeless people to developing...

“Assessing Suicide Risk” with Stanley Edlavitch

Dr. Edlavitch, Professor of Epidemiology in Psychiatry at UMKC School of Medicine, in collaboration with Drs. Fred Newman and Bill Geis, has established links between negative thought patterns (like hopelessness and sense of failure) and clinical symptoms as indicators of acute suicide risk.  This can guide not only health care...

“Lifting Up Community Voices” with Ira Harritt

We can overturn the austerity myth.  The American Friends Service Committee’s Move the Money Listening Project heard from 46 community leaders discussing community needs, budgeting and tax cutting, military spending and better priorities for our community.  Ira Harritt will highlight the project’s finds and discuss ways we can shift the...

“PTSD: Navigating Life after Combat” with Tiffany Prowant

Tiffany Prowant has served as her husband’s caregiver for the past four years.  Since his combat injury in 2009 in Iraq which resulted in PTSD and TBI, Tiffany has provided daily support including managing medicine, vitals, and pain levels; assisting him in keeping up interpersonal relationships with family members; assisting...

“The Lake Wobegon Effect” with Bill Mullins

“…where all the women are strong…, and all the children are above average,” says Minnesota humorist Garrison Keillor.  The preference to see our kin as “above average” can subtly create a need to point to the “below average.”  Bill Mullins, Regional Community Advocate, reflects upon a recent MARC Education Report.