Podcast - Heartland Labor Forum

This podcast tracks the audio archives for the “Heartland Labor Forum” radio show. The Heartland Labor Forum is Kansas City’s only program about the workplace. It’s radio that talks back to the boss! Whether you’re a union member or your workplace isn’t organized, Heartland Labor Forum (HLF) has stories for you, guaranteed to inspire, educate, or enrage you.

Summer Reading: Bill Fletcher, Jr. The Man Who Changed Colors and Working Class Giant: The Life of William Z. Foster

Two books for your summer reading. First long-time labor guru Bill Fletcher Jr’s second novel: The Man Who Changed Colors is a mystery where a shipyard worker falls to his death. Was it an accident? Cape and Islands Gazette Journalist David Gomes risks everything to find out. Then veteran union...

Should the AFL-CIO Endorse the Right to Abortion? and UPS: What Do the Workers Think?

Should the labor movement endorse reproductive justice, including abortion rights, as a working families’ issue?  This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we’ll ask union women who are leading a campaign for labor to endorse women’s reproductive rights. Then, the tentative agreement between UPS and the Teamsters has been hailed...

Essential Workers for Union Democracy: a Growing Movement and The Ghost Workers Behind AI

There’s a growing chorus of workers demanding more democracy in their unions. We talk to leaders of Essential Workers for Democracy - EW4D who have formed the rank & file reform group. Then who is teaching artificial intelligence to replace us? We’ll explore the working conditions of the workers who...

21st Century Union Busting and What’s in the Meany Labor Archives?

Union busting has been around since the Pharaohs. Today’s “union avoidance” methods may be more sophisticated, but they’re still union busting, and the busters are getting rich off it. We’ll talk with journalist Tyler Walicek about 21st century union busting. Then archives house the documents and records from which we...

Whitewashing Labor and American History

As Red State Governors and legislatures ban books and dictate to schools and colleges what they can’t teach, we’ll take a look at the damage to young minds from the whitewashing of American History including our labor history and how teacher unions are fighting back. The future of democracy depends...

Ahmed White: Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers and Isn’t It Time to Nationalize the Railroads?

The Industrial Workers of the World or IWW is remembered as militant and creative. Its vision was one big union where workers decide what to produce, working conditions, and pay. We’ll talk to Ahmed White, author of Under the Iron Heel which chronicles the dream and its suppression. Then, infrastructure...