Podcast - Radio Active Magazine

A locally produced program where activist groups in the Kansas City area present interviews, commentary, editorials, and other thought provoking content on a weekly basis.

Representative Judy Morgan on Climate Change

Radioactive Magazine host David Mitchell and MO House Representative Judy Morgan (D-039) discuss the provisions of the Paris Climate Change Conference. These two knowledgeable activists discuss the significance of the conference agreement, the phenomena of climate change deniers, and the destructive partisanship of the GOP presidential candidates.

The Whole Person

Mary Pat Mahoney and Ben Dillon join host Craig Lubow to discuss the services offered by The Whole Person, an organization serving individuals with disabilities.

Father Hagan Talks Pope’s Encyclical

Father Robert Hagan, Guardian Angels Catholic Church priest, is interviewed by Host Dave Mitchell about the themes in the Pope's Encyclical on the climate crisis. Father Hagan will be one of the community speakers at the K.C. Climate march and rally on November29, 2015.

Kansas Legal Services

Leland Cox, Kansas City Project Director for Kansas Legal Services, joins host Craig Lubow to discuss legal services for the poor in Kansas, including the application process and what to expect if Kansas Legal Services represents you in legal proceedings.

What you need to know about the Downtown Street Car

KC Downtown Streetcar Creates Change What do we need to know about the Downtown Streetcar? Host Janet Rogers of Transit Action Network speaks with Tom Gerend, Executive Director of the KC Streetcar Authority. The first of four streetcar vehicles is about to arrive in Kansas City. How will the streetcar change our...

Homelessness in Kansas City, pt 2

Kathy Dean, President of Project Uplift, returns this week to continue the discussion about homelessness in the Kansas City area, including causes and solutions.  Kathy will be the guest of co-hosts Craig Lubow and Brian Noland.