Accented English

Why do people whose first language is not English have different accents? How do North Americans’ reactions to that affect the immigrants’ lives? How can North Americans learn to listen better and with respect instead of stigma? Today’s program addresses these questions and features: Rosina Lippi-Green, PhD in Linguistics and author of “English with an Accent”; Evelyne Ello-Hart of Cote d’Ivoire, program supervisor for the Africa Womens Coalition in Portland, Oregon (whom speaks seven languages, including Italian); a woman from Laos who works for the Refugee Resettlement Program whom speaks Vietnamese, Laotian Thai, variants of Chinese, and English; Dora Reina, an accountant from Mexico, living in the US and taking English classes; and, Tracey Derwing, PhD, professor in the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) program in Educational Psychology at the University of Alberta, who co-directed the Prairie Metropolis Research Centre of Excellence for Research on Migration and Integration (she researched how to teach native speakers of English to become better listeners to people with different accents and she is the lead author of the book “Pronunciation Fundamentals”).

The Women’s International News Gathering Service (WINGS) has been covering the global women’s movement and related issues for community radio since 1986. wings may be contacted at [email protected].

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