AI in Israel’s Bombing Campaign in Gaza, and the Religion Beat in Dallas

Israel’s bombing campaign in Gaza is employing AI tools and a shocking redefinition of collateral damage that raises ethical questions. Then we talk to the new religion beat reporter for the Dallas Morning News.

“…Quakers in Gaza Have a Long History”
Mike Merryman-Lotze is the Just Peace Global Policy Director at the American Friends Service Committee, a Quaker organization headquartered in Philadelphia.  He joins to share the struggles facing humanitarian workers in Gaza and explain why the organization has issued a global call for an unconditional ceasefire and the release of hostages.  He describes why AFSC is calling on Western governments to halt the sale and transfer of weapons to conflict zones and for faith communities to work together as peacemakers.

“…Project Lavender and Where Is Daddy”
Amjad Iraqi, senior editor at +972, describes the findings from an investigation into the Israeli military’s use of artificial intelligence and the targeting of low-level members of Hamas in their homes at a time when civilian casualties would be high.

“…Covering Religion in North Texas”
Joy Ashford is the new religion reporter at the Dallas Morning News, supported by Report for America.  She joins to share some of the stories Joy has been covering in North Texas.

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