We are celebrating the Music of two towering figures of Latin America poetry: Violeta Parra from Chile and Maria Elena Walsh from Argentina. Singers as diverse as Mercedes Sosa, Liuba Maria Hevia, Jairo, Cuarteto Zupay, Joan Manuel Serrat, Isabel Parra, Soledad Bravo, Inti-Illimani, Angel Parra and Silvio Rodriguez among others, will be lending their voices to the lyrics of these two brilliant artists, and of course Violeta and Maria Elena will be singing as well.

Chilean composer, singer-songwriter, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and visual artist Violeta Parra not only pioneered the Nueva Cancin Chilena, but also her social justice message and her poetry extended through the entire region and beyond. With her renewal and reinvention of Chilean folk music she bolstered the songs for Peace and Justice.

Argentinian Maria Elena Walsh was largely known as childrens book storyteller, singer, songwriter and also ethnomusicologist. Her interest in music was beyond the confines of Buenos Aires. She was interested in the native music of Argentinian Mapuches, Guaranies and Aymaras tribes. Some of her songs become a hymn for freedom, liberty and social justice during the times of oppression in Argentina.

Each show is 59 minutes, in two segments. Nuestra Musica is uploaded every Tuesday and is available immediately. if you would like to use this show, that is great.
Any questions and suggestions, please send an e mail to [email protected]

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