OutCasting: Hopes and Expectations, Altered – Part 2 of 2

OutCaster Alex talks with Mimi and Jerry Goodman of New York whose two now-grown children — Jesse and Sara — are gay. They explain how they became activists because of this, and how it connected them to a community that they might have never known, broadening their world view. They look back at what they did right, what they might do differently, and what they would advise other parents who are in their position.

This is the second part of a two part series. Both parts are available on Audioport.

This series explores assumptions made by parents, based on norms and stereotypes, that their children are heterosexual and cisgender, and their fears about it being otherwise. Some parents actually disown their children when they find out that they’re LGBTQ, with alarming and devastating results such as homelessness for youth and suicide.

This program explores how there can be a better way if parents accept and love their children, whether those children are straight and cisgender or LGBTQ.

OutCasting youth participants Alex, Andrew, Amalee, Dante, Dhruv, Lucas. Executive Producer: Marc Sophos.

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