Sharon Lockhart and Dave Kingsley on nursing home abuse in our society

Sankofa is an Adinkra (Ghana) symbol that embodies the spirit and attitude of reverence for the past, reverence for one’s forebears, reverence for one’s history, and reverence for one’s elders.

Dave Kingsley, PhD, is the founder and Executive Director of the Center for Healthcare Information & Policy. He retired from the faculty at KUMED where he was on the graduate faculty in the Department of Health Policy & Management. Dave taught statistics and methods to masters, PhD, and Med students. His research and publications focused on the hospitalized elderly. After retirement, Dave began serving on a nursing home advocacy board, conducting research on that institution. Over the past decade, he has published significant articles in partnership with Charlene Harrington – the leading nursing home research (Professor Emeritus at the University of California, San Francisco);and has been a consultant for advocacy groups and agencies across the United States. In the past few months, Dave has been invited by the National Association of Attorneys General to speak to subsections of the organization at New Orleans, Washington, DC, and San Diego.

Dave formed a 501C3 with a national & distinguished board – Center for Healthcare Information & Policy (CHIP)  The organization sees horror stories in the nursing home system daily. People contact the organization, which investigate and attempts to move state agencies to take action.

Sharon A. Lockhart became a volunteer at KKFI 90.1FM in 1995. She  joined Joan Flaherty on Working Women,  which morphed into Every Woman, on KKFI and was hosted by Sharon for thirty years. The program continues on KKFI, as an hour show highlighting issues women face in the workplace, home and society, and airs on Saturday from 3 – 4 PM central.

Sharon produced and hosted Every Woman public affairs program on KKFI to help inform and remind the community of the indignities and outrages women and their families face in their lives every day, as a platform to encourage action, change and improvement women’s lives.

Lockhart credits the male dominated securities industry for her evolution to “feminist” and business owner. In her professional career, Lockhart is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® Professional and Certified Divorce Financial Analyst™ , and Registered Principal.  Now retired, Sharon has been providing financial and retirement planning, investment advice and brokerage services to a diverse range of clients since 1981. Her financial articles have been published in the Massachusetts Law Review, Evolving Woman and Small Business Monthly and the KC Star.

Sharon is an advocate and activist for peace and social justice, actively supporting American Friends Service Committee; the Gray Panthers of Mid-Missouri and Kansas; the Johnson/Wyandotte Counties chapter of National Organization for Women; OWL-the Voice of Mid-Life and Older Women; and Greater Kansas City Women’s Political Caucus.

Her professional memberships include Financial Planning Association, Financial Services Institute, Institute of Divorce Financial Analysts and Financial Divorce Association.

Host/producer/engineer:  Donna Morrow Wolfe

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