The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and How to Blow the Whistle on Unsafe Conditions at Work and Not Get Fired

On June 27th, the Pregnant Worker Fairness Act went into effect with new protections for women workers. This week on the Heartland Labor Forum learn who is covered and what new rights new and expecting mothers in the workforce will have. Then how do you blow the whistle on safety...

Riding the Bad Bills’ Clown Car through Kansas and Missouri

We’ll be riding the bad bills clown car through Kansas and Missouri. Get on board to find out what’s happening in the legislatures.  Bills are being proposed that would assault people’s rights, attack public education, defund public libraries, weaken children’s vaccination rates, and decimate unemployment benefits.  We’ll get the latest...

Labor’s Friday Folklorist, Saul Schniderman

Meet Saul Schniderman American labor’s culture maven, founder of the Great labor Arts Exchange, assembler of the national inventory of American labor landmarks, author of the Friday Labor Folklore newsletter, and the guy who found the house in Maryland where Mother Jones died in 1930. We’ll ask Saul about all...