Podcast - Understanding Israel Palestine

The show is hosted by Citizens for Justice in the Middle East, a local group that has advocated for 20 years for a fair and even-handed U.S. foreign policy that recognizes the rights of both Palestinians and Israelis. Our program offers interviews with journalists, scholars, policy experts and activists to offer multiple perspectives, and to clarify the underlying issues that are often obscured by headline news.

Israel Moves to Shut Down Palestinian Civil Society

On Oct. 21, Israel charged six prominent Palestinian human rights groups with being terrorist organizations. Israeli, European, and international human rights organizations, U.N. experts, and others have denounced the charge as baseless and politically motivated, a way to shut down the six organizations and muzzle criticism of Israel's human rights...

“You Would Weep”

The Rev. Michael Yoshii recently retired  as pastor of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church in Alameda, California. Long rooted in a Japanese-American community, in 2009 the church began a partnership with the Palestinian village of Wadi Foquin, which is in the West Bank five miles southwest of Bethlehem. The...

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — “Psychoanalysis Under Occupation; Practicing Resistance in Palestine” with Lara & Stephen Sheehi (Part 2 — 12-10-21)

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — "Psychoanalysis Under Occupation; Practicing Resistance in Palestine" with Lara & Stephen Sheehi (Part 2 -- 12-10-21) For this week's program, we listen to the second part of producer Jeremy Rothe-Kushel's interview with Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi, co-authors of the recently published and groundbreaking...

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — “Psychoanalysis Under Occupation; Practicing Resistance in Palestine” with Lara & Stephen Sheehi (Part 1 — 11-19-21)

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — "Psychoanalysis Under Occupation; Practicing Resistance in Palestine" with Lara & Stephen Sheehi (Part 1 -- 11-19-21) For this week's program, we listen to the first part of Jeremy Rothe-Kushel's interview with Lara Sheehi and Stephen Sheehi, co-authors of the recently published and groundbreaking book...

Beautiful Resistance: Abdelfattah Abusrour talks about the Center for Culture in the Aida refugee camp

Abdelfattah Abusrour, who grew up in the Aida refugee camp, is empowering Palestinian children with a new form of non-violent resistance by providing alternative activities for creative expression and positive change, as well as therapeutic outlets for anger.  Abdelfattah has pinpointed a relationship between non-violence and healthy self-expression among children...

Understanding Israel Palestine: Beyond the Walls — “The Maxwell Trial, Government by Blackmail & the Compromised US-Israel ‘Special Relationship'” with Kirby Sommers (10-29-21)

For this week’s show, producer Jeremy Rothe-Kushel speaks with Kirby Sommers, author of books like "Jeffrey Epstein: Predator, Spy" & "Ghislaine Maxwell: An Unauthorized Biography" and an advocate for victims of sex trafficking, about what the deep political background of espionage not covered in the upcoming Ghislaine Maxwell trial can...