Freeze Frame: “Inside Out 2” (PG), “Tuesday” (R), “Treasure” (R), “Farewell, Mr. Haffmann” (TV-14)

The folks at Disney/Pixar retain their status as the gold standard of animation because of their meticulous dedication to getting the screenplay right as well as the animation and voice work. “Inside Out 2” is no exception. This worthy successor to the 2015 hit sees our heroine Riley grappling with new emotions as she turns thirteen: Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Disgust. Whip smart and sharply funny, “Inside Out 2” probably works best for older kids and adults, so find a kid you can take with you as an excuse.

How’s this for something different? Julia Louis Dreyfus stars in the daring fantasy drama, “Tuesday,” She plays the mother of a terminally ill young woman, played by Lola Petticrew. Things get strange when death arrives in the form of a molty macaw. First time filmmaker Daina O. Pusic goes for broke in her movie debut, offering a strange, philosophical treatise on grief. It doesn’t all work, but you gotta give ‘em credit for originality.

“Treasure” is a well-meaning but misguided father-daughter comic drama. Lena Dunham and Stephen Fry star in the story of a journalist who tries to reconnect with her dad by traveling to Poland where he spent time as a prisoner in Auschwitz during WWII. The whole affair seems very labored and inauthentic.

Venerated French actor Daniel Auteuil stars in the moving drama, “Farewell, Mr. Haffmann.” He plays a Jewish jeweler who must hide in the basement of his Paris shop during the 1942 Nazi occupation while his apprentice pretends to be the store owner. “Farewell, Mr. Haffmann” is an involving and thoughtful period piece.

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