Truckers Against Trafficking and Care of Poor People Winter Survival 2016

Truckers Against Trafficking

Modern-day slavery, or human trafficking exists whenever people are bought and sold for forced labor or commercial sex. Human trafficking has been reported in all 50 states, and the number of victims in the United States is estimated in the hundreds of thousands. Human trafficking is a booming business and a large percentage of the people trafficked are women and children, many of them forced into the sex industry. They need to be identified and rescued.

Host Beth Pike talks with Laura Cyrus of Truckers Against Trafficking about their mission to educate, equip, empower and mobilize members of the trucking and travel plaza industry to combat domestic sex trafficking. TAT works with law enforcement to provide human trafficking training and working together on the same page with the trucking industry to fight this crime as well as changing the perspective/mentality that someone seen selling commercial sex is “just a prostitute,” toward the reality that this is a possible trafficking victim and someone who needs your help.

National Human Trafficking Resource Center hotline at 1-888-3737-888

Care of Poor People Winter Survival 2016

The COPP Winter Survival 2016 event will be a tribute and memorial to the memory and generosity of Richard G Tripp who organized and directed COPP in direct support of the poor and homeless in and around Kansas City, Missouri for over 30 years. As always this event will provide clothing, bedding, personal hygiene items and a hot meal for those in need. Your time and donations are needed on Friday November 25th to set up and Saturday November 26th for the event itself.

Host Jeff Humfeld will talk with Keith Tripp and George Arnold about how you can donate items or your time to help bring off this renewed event. Anyone who would be interested in donating their time, financial resources, or products and goods should contact (COPP) Keith L Tripp at 417-461-4372 or (COPP) Dawn Tripp Williams at 417-366-9372. All other inquires can be mailed to (COPP) at 126 Lilly Lane, Clever, MO, 65631.


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