Book ‘Em: LGBTQ Publishing and Desolate Country

Co-hosts Elizabeth Andersen and Philip blue owl Hooser join forces to explore a local anthology of activist Art and some general issues facing LGBTQ literature. Poets Jeanette Powers, Max Martin, and jd tulloch join us to talk about “Desolate Country: We the Poets, United, Against Trump,” defiant work by established and other artists representing groups who have felt marginalized since the recent election.

Then we will chat with Isabella Svendsen — CEO and publisher of Sapphire Books, founded in 2010 to produce and promote quality lesbian literature. She is a member of the Rainbow Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America and the Golden Crown Literary Society as well as Independent Book Publishers Association.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Philip is represented by a poem in “Desolate Country,” but has no financial stake, as all profits are donated to Planned Parenthood.

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