Tag - @Heartland_Labor

Remembering the Railway Shopmen’s Strike and What’s the State of Current Rail Negotiations?

In 1922 Railway shopworkers went on strike against wage cuts and union busting in the largest and most violent rail strike of the 20th Century. This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we’ll mark the centennial of the Railway Shopmen’s Strike then talk about the current rail negotiations that have...

El Golpe: US Labor, the CIA, and the Coup at Ford Mexico – an Interview with Rob McKenzie

In January 1990 a gang of assassins invaded a Ford assembly plant in Mexico City and opened fire on the assembly line workers killing one and injuring several. The workers  had been organizing an independent union.  Who hired and paid the thugs who assaulted them?  What did it have to...

Woody Guthrie- Songs and Art, Words and Wisdom and SEIU Healthcare and the Health Levy

Nora Guthrie, daughter of America’s great folk singer, Woody Guthrie, has released a book called Woody Guthrie: Songs and Art, Words and Wisdom. This week on the Heartland Labor Forum we’ll talk to Nora about her father’s genius. Then, health care workers at University Hospital formerly known as Truman are...

New Books: Joe Burns: Class Struggle Unionism & N. Iskander: Migrant Workers in Qatar

This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we will talk to the authors of two new books: first is Joe Burns with Class Struggle Unionism. He asks if the labor movement is losing ground or gaining traction. He clearly wants more movement in the labor movement. Then, Natasha Iskander asks,...

Is the Missouri Legislature Out to Destroy Public Schools?

This week on The Heartland Labor Forum, we look into the explosion of bills attacking teachers and dumbing-down education across Missouri. We'll cover bills expanding charter schools, banning critical race theory in favor of teaching fairy tales, bills requiring parental oversight of professionals -- that is, teachers -- and bills...

Davos Man by Peter Goodman & An Interview with NLRB General Council Jennifer A. Abruzzo

This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, it’s New York Times reporter Peter Goodman on his new book Davos Man: How the Billionaires Devoured the World. Goodman lampoons ultra-rich guys as a voracious uber-species preying on all of us. Then- employers have long used threats and coercion to oppose union...