Tag - @Heartland_Labor

Searching for Good Bills among the Bad in Jeff City

In recent years, Missouri voters have bypassed a recalcitrant legislature to take burning issues directly to the voters through the initiative process. That’s how Missourians defeated right to work, raised the minimum wage, and expanded Medicaid.  The majority in the legislature hate being bypassed and they’re trying to make it...

Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America and Unchecked Mergers with the Institute for Local Self Reliance

Who are the good people who do the bad jobs no one wants, and at what cost? This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we talk to the author of Dirty Work: Essential Jobs and the Hidden Toll of Inequality in America. Then, has the Biden administration found a renewed...

The Leadville Irish Miners Memorial and Workplace Monitoring: Is Your Boss Spying on You?

Irish immigrant silver miners in Colorado died penniless and were buried in pauper's graves. This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, we’ll talk to an historian who dug up their stories. Then-did you think that working from home would protect you from your boss’s prying eyes? Think again. The corporate...

New Union Leaders: IBEW’s Todd Howerton and Firefighters’ Dan Heisman

Ever notice that the mainstream media rarely put the voices of workers on the air? Well, the Heartland Labor Forum does, and this week in our new union leaders series we’ll talk to Todd Howerton, President of Electrical Workers Local 124. Find out what apprentices and journeyman electricians do and...

Who Is to Blame for the Current Inflation? We’ll Ask Richard Wolff and KC Google Workers Organize

As the mainstream media swells fears of inflation, blaming Biden, greedy workers, the supply chain and COVID, on the Heartland Labor Forum we’ll ask economist Richard Wolff what’s the real cause. He says none of the above. Then, Google customer service workers are organizing a union. KC was Google’s first...

Mapping the Current Strike Wave and Replacing Permanent Replacement

This week on the Heartland Labor Forum, it’s Johnnie Kallas from Cornell University about his new Labor Action Tracker strike map of the US. It will help you see who needs your solidarity. Then, since Ronald Reagan busted the air traffic controllers, employers have knocked themselves out trying to permanently...