KC Irish Fest

Mark & Val’s Annual Irish Fest Preview

Yes, it's that time again! The Kanas City Irish Fest is back Friday, Sept 1 through Sunday, Sept 3 and Mark & Val are here with our annual preview featuring some old favorites and some new discoveries. We'll be bringing you a few of our favorite songs from: The Canterberries, Eddie...

WMM presents Ivory Blue + Nick Carswell + KC Irish Fest

Wednesday MidDay Medley Produced and Hosted by Mark Manning Wednesday, September 2, 2020 Ivory Blue + Nick Carswell & Mix Master 2020 + David Shaughnessey & KC Irish Fest Where You Are Mark plays New & MidCoastal Releases from: Shiner, Miki P & The Swallowtails, Shy Boys, Ivory Blue, Sam Prekop, Daniel Gum,...