Tag - #kkfiishere

Are One-Man Trains Comin’ Down the Track? And Help Wanted: Heartland Labor Forum Volunteers

First it was five, then it was three, then two, and now the railroad companies want only one worker running an entire train. If they get their way, those one-man trains will be barreling through Kansas City’s numerous rail lines and yards and on across the nation. Find out more...

Dan McCrory, How Capitalism Killed the Middle Class and Rigged the System and New AFSCME Local 500 President Reginald Silvers

Once upon a time, you could work for one company your whole adult life, you could make a decent living, and you could buy your piece of the American Dream. Not any more, says Dan McCrory, who started at the phone company in 1973 and has written Capitalism Killed the...